Make a Booking Request for Chalet Keira

We are delighted that you have decided to book Chalet Keira.
Bookings for this property need to be accepted by the owner before we can process your deposit or balance payment.
Please enter your details below and we will ask the owner to confirm the booking immediately.

You will receive an email within 24 hours informing you if your request is accepted at which point will be asked to make your payment of the deposit or balance to secure the booking.

You do no need to pay anything now.


I would like to book Chalet Keira for nights
on a basis for guests
Starting from .

Total Price: €0 EUR

Pricing notes:

The chalet is run on a catered basis.

We provide a 3 course evening meal with house wine for 5 out of the 7 nights.

We have one full day off when breakfast is self service and for dinner you can sample one of the many restaurants in Chamonix. We have one other night during the week when no evening meal is provided. On this day breakfast and afternoon tea is still provided.


Your details

All fields are mandatory.

Title : Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr.
First Name :
Last Name :
Email :
Contact Number :
Street :
Street2 :
City :
Postcode / Zip :
County / State :
Country :

Message to Property owner


For enquiries about this property, please click here
Property id: 38